Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas is coming!

How is it already the end of November?

This year, my husband and I decided to get our tree the day after Thanksgiving. We busted out our Christmas decorations and headed down to the tree lot.  This year we'd thought we go big - like 8 feet big.
a big tree!
We brought it home and set up an area for it.  We just learned that a tree this big could drink up to a gallon of water a day!  That's a lot of water...

a tree skirt I got my husband a few years ago (before we were married)
We spent the next few hours putting on lights, ornaments, and the star at the top.  Then we watched Love Actually, my all time favorite holiday movie.
putting on the star!
Isn't it pretty?  It makes our house smell so good - and feel so cozy.  If only the month of December lasted a little longer.  At least now that Thanksgiving is over,  I can listen to my Mariah Carey "All I Want for Christmas is You" Pandora station guilt free. :)

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