Monday, February 15, 2010

happy blog birthday

Today marks 1 year since I started this blog.  When I started, I really didn't know what to expect - what I would write about and whether I wanted people to read it or not.  In the end, I realize that it is mostly something that I enjoy doing for myself.  In ways it is like a journal and like the seasons - something that captures the moments of my life and marks the passing of time.   It allows my friends and family to see what I am up to, but also allows me to share the things that I discover with people in the world that I will never meet.

Some statistics:

Thanks to everyone for reading.  Cheers to year 2!


  1. Wow. I am at 167 days, and 167 posts. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. 167 days and 167 posts - you are good! I have a goal in 2010 to do 365 days and 365 posts. So far I have fallen behind... :)


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